Building a brand is about establishing real and lasting relationships with consumers, relationships based on the emotional connection, fulfillment of needs, and trust. Fostering connections in an overcrowded marketplace? We help you achieve it through an authentic understanding of what your brand stands for.
This is the era of the data dump. Marketers are awash in numbers. It’s an overabundance of the head, telling us “what,” and a lack of the heart, telling us “why.” We seek out the crucial insights that give the numbers meaning, so the data tells a human story.
Consumers are funny. It’s hard to get them to say why they do things, and often they don’t really know themselves. Their process for making choices is often driven by a subconscious emotional logic: a combination of instinct, intuition, and informed experience. Understanding hearts and minds is Coherency.
LoveQuotient is Coherency’s proprietary tool, delving into the science behind the emotional triggers at work in consumer purchasing choices. We utilize specially designed emotional exercises and advanced algorithms to uncover the implicit relationships between emotions and behaviors. By measuring “consumer love” for brands, we make solving business objectives clearer and easier.